Stay Safe in the Garage With These Helpful Tips

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The garage can be a sacred place, if you’re one who’s brave enough, and willing to get a little dirty and work on your own car. It can also quickly become one of the most dangerous places, if you’re not careful and don’t know what you’re doing, or what you’re getting into.

When you’re usingĀ a bunch of tools, that could double as weapons, on things that weigh anywhere from 3,000-7,000 pounds and are full of combustible and toxic liquids, it’s important to practice precaution. There are countless things that could go wrong — from starting a fire, to crushing a limb, to slicing open your skin, to blinding yourself, to having your car roll out of the garage and into another car in the street. In a way, it’s a miracle people can work on cars without doing damage. On the other hand, though, if you’re smart about it and follow some simple rules, there’s no reason to think anything will go wrong.


A solid article from Driving Line touches on the types of things you need to be aware of in the garage. Things like jacks, jack stands, chocking tires, dealing with fluids and fumes, stocking the proper tools, knowing your strength limits, wearing the proper gear, and being prepared for anything.

Read, learn, practice, stock up, and stay safe. And let us know if they left anything out.

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Via [Driving Line]

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