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blazen351 05-20-2006 04:31 PM

First impressions of CAI and Tune [updated x2]
In my other post about having installed my demolet CAI And tune from Doug at Bamachips using the Xcal2. The last reply from somebody (sorry don't remember who)was looking forward to hearing feedback on the

I'm going to keep eveybody updated here because I know there are still alot of people trying to decide on this. So far just running the 87 octane performane tune I do notice a diiference, but at the same time it's been pretty hot here the last couple of days, where as it had been cooler before that. So it makes it a little difficult to make a fair comparison. Even with it being hotter though you can fell the difference. I took it out late last night to open her up on the highway and noticed with the current tune that there is more power in the higher RPMs, second third and fourth all feel stronger with 2nd & 3rd feeling like they have the most difference. I really didn't notice a difference in 5th. Then again I stopped accelerating at around 80. I'm going to be on the highway again here in just a little bit and plan on trying it out more to see.

I'll need to get gas today and will get 91 octane then so I can try the 91 octane tune to see if I can tell a difference. Just as soon as I find 93 octane I'll try the torque tune. I may have to go with 91 and just add octane booster. (someone chime in on this if that is not a good idea)

Gas Mileage...I know a lot of you have been asking what will happen to your gas mileage. This really wasn't something that I was concerned with,but I have been watching it for you. I'll continue to monitor it through this tank and into the other tunes as well. So far It actually seems to be getting BETTER mileage. Generally on suface streets with a lot of stop and go the computer reads about 16 to 17 mpgs Last night It was reading that I averaged 18MPGs. I didn't get a reading on the highway as I forgot to look. But I will watch it today to see what I get.

I'll post more later. My hope is that this will help some of you that are on the fence make a decision. So far even with just a little bit of drive time on it I'm feeling quite good about the purchase. If the other two tunes continue to improve then I'll have no problem saying that it has been worth the money. Like I said above I'll continue to update this with my impressions over the next couple of days.

*****First update...So far nothing much to update. I didn't end up needing to gas up like i thought I would, so I haven't been able to play with the 91 octane tune yet. Definatley tomorrow though.

Now then what I can say is this. I took it out to the middle of nowhere today so my wife's brother could get a good ride along. From a stop I got on it hard and peeled out stongly and quickly ran it up to 90 mph I was going 65 in 2nd gear before red lining then hit third and still had plenty of power. Now i wasn't doing any data logging, so I don't have firm numbers, but as far as "feel" goes I could definatley tell the difference, and have no doubt that I went 0 - 90 much quicker

Will update again tomorrow after running the 91 tune

Monday 5/22

final comments on the 87 octane tune...I had courier runs to do, which meant I had a lot of stop and go driving toady. My gas milage was definatley better today. Before the Iup (?) read 15.3 average MPH's during so much stop and go driving. Today I didn't drop below 18. So that's a defiante plus and I was getting on her pretty good. I got from light to light pretty damn good and quick. I like the 87 octane tune.

Ok so I filled up a little bit ago with 91 octane and then flashed the 91 tune. I really can't say I noticed a difference. I don't know however how much difference I should notice though. Now granted this was surface street driving light to light again and I only did like 5 miles or so. She still drives well nice and quick but no noticable difference. Later tonight after it coold down and there is less traffic I'll get her up on the highway and open her up to see then how I notice the difference. I'll also have courier runs tomorrow again so I can test it more thoroughly then and will post back.

I tried to do some data logging but kept getting an error, so I'll read the instruction (novel concept huh) and see if I'm doing it wrong.

Teacherman and anybody else, if I'm not answering your specific questions let me know and I'll try and elaborate more to your needs.

Will update more later.

amystery2u 05-20-2006 11:32 PM

RE: First impressions of CAI and Tune
Looking forward to your updates. They will be answering a lot of my questions.

teacherman 05-20-2006 11:35 PM

RE: First impressions of CAI and Tune
Blazen, man what you are doing is fantastic. Yes please keep posted as i want to be my next mod. Way cool man.

blazen351 05-22-2006 09:53 PM

RE: First impressions of CAI and Tune
Bump...updated thoughts above :)

teacherman 05-22-2006 10:27 PM

RE: First impressions of CAI and Tune
All right let's cut to the chase. Can you beat a modded F22 Raptor? Because if not then you got screwed and I am not buying a CAI with a tune.

Great update and keep us posted. I am VERY curious as to see how she opens up at wot. Sounds so far that there is not much of a difference so far right?

blazen351 05-22-2006 10:52 PM

RE: First impressions of CAI and Tune
LoL Ok no I'm not there yere.

Between the 87 and 91 tune right now, NO I'm not able to tell a difference, But in fairness I just filled up and drove a little bit. Like I said I'll jump up on the highway tonight and REALLY open her up and see what I think then.

But there is a definate differnce from when it was stock. So that alone is a plus.

blazen351 05-23-2006 01:31 AM

RE: First impressions of CAI and Tune
Ok so I just ran the 91 tune up on the highway, and it is nice. If most of my driving was highway I'd probably run the 91 tune over the 87 tune. In town though on surface streets I just can't tell a diference. Up on the highway though...well you can't really call it a night and day difference from the 87, but it is better. I did two loops over one particular section of highway and ran it from 5 - 105 mph. I didn't really have an opurtunity to do it from a dead stop, but still 2nd 3rd and fourth all ran real well. 5th I still feel no difference in. if you want to pass somebody you still better drop it to at least fourth. I hit 90 MPH in 3 rd and then shifter to 4th. I could have pushed it up alot higher in fourth, but decided to cut it off at 105mph and slid into 5th. Cruised for awhile in 5th and tried accelerating in 5th but it was sluggish, like 5th usually is, so I droped it to 4th and punched it back up to 100. So I'm happy. Like I said above, if highway driving was the majority of my driving then I'd run the 91 tune all the time, but as it is I think I'll stick with the 87 most of the time, and switch to the 91 on times that I'm heading out of town a couple of times a month. Of course I will be driving it on my courier runs in the morning, so I'll have a better chance to see how it runs in stop and go traffic. If it proves to be better in that kind of driving than what I'm thinking I'll update that I changed me mind.

93 Tourque tune... I STILL can NOT for the life of me find 93 octane fuel. I'm itching to try the tourque tune though. So I'm really thinking that when I need to fill up in a coule of days I'll add a bottle of octane boost and then fill up with 91 octane. Sound reasonable??

Ok so how was that? Am I helping anybody here, or just wasting my time?? Let me know :D

yur1279 05-23-2006 01:58 AM

RE: First impressions of CAI and Tune
Sounds good. I just installed my C&L with an Xcal2 from Bama as well. I went right to the 93 torque tune though and it is sucha difference from stock. I feel more power overall through all gears, most if not all of the lag is gone, I can shirp the tires with no real effort, ect. My one question is that the car seems to not want to stay in the lane anymore if i'm doing decent speed on the highway. I knoticed thsi right away. Its almost as if the car wants to drift back ond forth or soemthing.

blazen351 05-23-2006 02:11 AM

RE: First impressions of CAI and Tune
That's wierd. Mine feels just fine. Have you hit or ran over anything recently? Maybe through your alignment out a little? Computer tuning shouldn't effect that.

LX200 05-23-2006 03:12 AM

RE: First impressions of CAI and Tune [updated x2]
Dunno... I got the 93 tune from Evolution Performance in Pa, and my car works much better everywhere. Much better shifting, throttle response much better everywhere. Very clearly more torquey at low and mid RPMS... much more responsive in 4th when already going 60+. Like a new car. And, I am still waiting for the C&L CAI to come in, then I can load the 93 octane CAI tune. Seems like you should be seeing more... even my wife noticed the difference, so, it must be REAL obvious.

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