Ford Mustang V6 2005-2014: How to Unclog A/C Drain Line

A/C is a beautiful thing to battle the summer heat in your Mustang. If your system can't drain properly, you may be getting some liquid to go with that cold air.

By Ben Mannino - October 14, 2015
Contributors: EricTheCarGuy

This article applies to the Ford Mustang V6 (2005-2014).

The A/C system in your Mustang works like any other air conditioning system. In the process of cooling down the hot air, condensation is inevitable. Every system must have a means of draining out the condensed liquid. In your car, this is performed by a simple drain hose that points downward to let gravity do the heavy lifting. The problem is that this hose can get clogged, kinked or inverted to keep the liquid from draining properly. You usually find this out when water starts to seep out from the vents under your dash. Here's how to clean out the clog, so you can dry out your carpets.

Materials Needed

  • Thin wire coat hanger
  • Air compressor (optional)
  • Jack and stands
  • A raincoat

Step 1 – Locate the A/C condensation drain tube

You might need to lift the passenger's side of the car up to get under there and locate the drain tube. Follow your A/C lines and check around the compressor.

The drain tube runs along the firewall. See Figure 1 to see what it would look like.

Figure 1. A/C condensation drain tube opening.

Besides unclogging it, make sure it is pointing straight down and not sideways or upwards where it would not be able to drain properly.

Step 2 – Unclog the drain tube

Depending on how bad it is clogged, you can try one of two things. If you have access to a compressor, you can shoot a few quick blasts of air into the opening as shown in Figure 2. Make sure you form a tight seal around the opening, so that the air can blast straight up through the hose and clear out any blockage.

Figure 2. Fire an air gun right into the opening.

If you don't have a compressor, or if it's a more stubborn clog, then you should use a thin wire hanger to push up into the tube opening. In either case, be aware that once you clear the clog, you're about get rained on!

Step 3 – Crank up the A/C

Make sure it's working properly by firing up the A/C (preferably on a hot day) and making sure you can see it drain properly.

Figure 3. Clog is all clear.

Featured Video: Cleaning the A/C Drain

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