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mygt500 02-24-2009 02:49 AM

Originally Posted by rmodel65 (Post 5969838)
civil disobedience, is what id do if something like this went into affect. i would remove the unit.

deceleration of independence:

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. that.....see yet another reason I just exercise good moral judgment and avoid the media hype....all doom and gloom:rolleyes:

67 evil eleanor 02-24-2009 07:09 AM

“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter. ” Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507.
First let me pay you a complement on reminding us of that statement, its a shame that these "pricks" are immune to prosecution (was'nt it like 180.000.00 for one year, how much does this dud make). I'm sure that if he was'nt considered for a cabinet position, this would have never surfaced and he would be 180k richer and I'm sure that would have been the end of it. I am opposed to any goverment intrusion, especially one of this trivial insignificance. "it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it", I totally agree, if we only had the intelligence to do so. Term limits and elimination of the "lobbyist". As defined by the Wikipedia "Lobbying is the practice of influencing decisions made by government. It includes all attempts to influence legislators and officials, whether by other legislators, constituents or organized groups. "A lobbyist is a person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest or a member of a lobby. Governments often define and regulate (they always get around this) organized group lobbying". The only problem I have with this defination is the word "tries". It needs to be left out. I'm sorry, but these comments always strike a nerve.

SJs 66coupe 02-24-2009 08:16 AM

I do think things are going to get interesting...likely seeing a constitutional crisis in the making regarding the 10th amendment.

Eleven States Declare Sovereignty Over Obama’s Action
by A.W.R. Hawkins (more by this author)
Posted 02/23/2009 ET

State governors -- looking down the gun barrel of long-term spending forced on them by the Obama “stimulus” plan -- are saying they will refuse to take the money. This is a Constitutional confrontation between the federal government and the states unlike any in our time.

In the first five weeks of his presidency, Barack Obama has acted so rashly that at least 11 states have decided that his brand of “hope” equates to an intolerable expansion of the federal government’s authority over the states. These states -- Washington, New Hampshire, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, California, Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas -- have passed resolutions reminding Obama that the 10th Amendment protects the rights of the states, which are the rights of the people, by limiting the power of the federal government. These resolutions call on Obama to “cease and desist” from his reckless government expansion and also indicate that federal laws and regulations implemented in violation of the 10th Amendment can be nullified by the states.

When the Constitution was being ratified during the 1780s, the 10th Amendment was understood to be the linchpin that held the entire Bill of Rights together. The amendment states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

More at address below:

Also can check out:


Texas, Our Texas

Right Wing Radio Talks Secession as Law Enforcement Listens

Resolutions to Affirm State Sovereignty may be Prelude to Secession

The ironic thing to me is that numerous states listed above are ones that voted NObama....buyers' remorse perhaps....

NObama still has not proven to my satisfaction that he is even qualified to be President. He is spending tons of money in legal fees to keep his birth, passport and community college records in lock down which makes me wonder why....he who has nothing to hide hides nothing.

My feeling these days is we are in a case of taxation without representation. No one in Washington represents me or my best interest but they are sure happy to take my tax dollars.

Gun Jam 02-24-2009 12:00 PM

They can't track these cars using on board systems with new technology they are too simple. A new speedometer that gets read 1 per year is a better idea than GPS but it still requires that a sensor measure some type of rotation or pulse. Because our cars are so simple that sensor can be quickly tricked or disabled. They can’t win.

Using satellites to physically track cars or street cams to track cars is one thing we couldn't fight by disabling it. Spy satellites are operated by the government for far more pressing maters of national security or nude beaches. They will not tie up a billion+ dollars worth of man power and satellites to watch every car 24/7 they couldn't do that if they wanted. Same for local security cams 70% of which don't even record to a tape (in one end out the other) and building systems to log which cam each car passes under and build a route would be a nightmare......

This is just another example of some dumbass politician with too much power rambling on about something that he could never hope understand conflicting with something he could never remedy.


67 evil eleanor 02-25-2009 06:31 AM

Think I've seen that before, Oh, I just found it on the net.
,pa le-'ti-shen
1] A politician (from Greek "polis") is an individual who is involved in influencing public decision making through the influence of politics or a person who influences the way a society is governed. This includes people who hold decision-making positions in government, and people who seek those positions, whether by means of election, coup d'état, appointment, electoral fraud, conquest, right of inheritance (see also: divine right) or other means. 2] An example of politician is a dumbass with too much power rambling on about something that he could never hope understand conflicting with something he could never remedy. 3] Politics are not limited to governance through public office. Politicians are controlled by "lobbyist" employeed by greedy corporations, and other entities that are governed by self-wealth, Banks, Insrance companies, Wall Street executives are normally associated with this practice.

Gun Jam 02-25-2009 02:48 PM

right on!

Hehe someone was up early this morning investigating the mysteries of politics, politicians, dumbasses and the profoundly apparent amalgamation of all three into modern government.

I salute you good sir!


Waffles 02-25-2009 03:06 PM

No one said Barry, (Or Bammy, or NObama, or "HEY HONEY, LOOK, THE UGLY **** IS ON TV AGAIN") was smart, nor did anyone say he had any real promise of hope for this country, aside, of course, from him. Hey, he selected a new person for his Cabinet today. Wonder how much this clown owes in back taxes.

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