Out of Control Mustang Nearly Clips Cameraman at Cars and Coffee

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Fansided Mustang

There’s just no stopping ‘em, right?

For every ten or so responsible Mustang owners at a car meet, there’s always one who seems intent on embarrassing the nameplate as a whole. These burnout/drifting fiascoes have actually become a running joke in car circles. And it seems like there’s no escaping it, certainly not from the reporting wrath of Art of Gears.

One of the latest incidents picked up by the site includes a Mustang driver showing off at a Cars and Coffee event in Dallas, as highlighted in the video below. But the Art of Gears report also has a bit of good advice for those who often get caught in the moment:

“It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the event. However, when some take it too far, it’s enough to get these events cancelled outright. Traction control is on every modern car. Stability control is on every modern car. Manual transmission vehicles are slowly fading away. Keep automotive enthusiasm alive. Make sure Cars and Coffee is here to stay.”

Yup, we couldn’t agree more. And keep those attending Cars and Coffees alive too; can you believe how close this Mustang came to taking out the cameraman?

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Via [Art of Gears]

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